The Film Fund

The Film Fund's tasks:

  • encourage film and audiovisual creation and promote the development of the audiovisual production sector in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in particular through subsidies, financial aid, grants, allowances and awards;
  • implement the government's support policy for the audiovisual production sector;
  • grant selective financial support for audiovisual production created by the current law;
  • encourage the influence and promotion of Luxembourg's audiovisual productions in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and abroad;
  • manage and monitor works benefiting from one or several aid measures provided for by the current law;
  • produce statistics for the audiovisual production sector;
  • assist the responsible minister(s) in order to define the objectives and implement the support policy for audiovisual production as well as prepare the regulation of the sector concerned;
  • contact international bodies and institutions in the film and audiovisual production sector and represent the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to these bodies and institutions;
  • organise the presentation of the 'Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis' (Luxembourg Film Award), in collaboration with professional associations in the audiovisual production sector in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;
  • perform all other tasks entrusted to it by the laws and regulations;
  • encourage the implementation of a structural fund aimed at encouraging private investment in audiovisual production.


Film Fund Luxembourg